
The Works of Dionicio Rodrigues - Memphis

Rodriguez began work on his monumental tableaus in the Memorial Park Cemetery for his patron E. C. Hinds in 1935 and completed the project in 1943. By that time, he had graced the elegant cemetery with a series of biblical scenes that stretches through the central section of the carefully manicured grounds transforming it into a unique and personal vision. Again, the master craftsman employed his artistic manipulation and magic with only simple materials and tools into a masterpiece of folk art. This is yet another site of Rodriguez work that needs to be experienced in person to fully appreciate the wonders which he created in a tranquil and reflective environment.

Memorial Park Cemetery - Memphis

The Cave of Machpelah with its reflecting pool.

The interior of the Cave of Machpelah with an Egyptian tile scene and log sarcophagus.

Abrahams Oak

Crystal Shrine Grotto

Other views of the grounds